Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Food Hunting @ Melbourne, Australia

Finally we had a chance to come back to Melbourne, our memory city. Even it's only a week, but we're really appreciate it. A lot of things been changes. But, we did still remember places that we've ever been.
Besides, busy with photo shooting for our pre-wedding pictures, we went to many places. Even its only city area and the nearest suburb, but its awesome.
So morelikely,these're some photos that we've taken while we're there, dan sempet2in poto sebelum dimakan. hihihihi.. Makanan di Melbourne, mostly comes in a big portion. Sumpah, ga pernah abis makannya, ngikutin porsi org bule, huahaha besar bgt. Jd mostly mknnya share2 aja. So enjoy the pics guys..

1st day sampe, udah di serve with skinny hot latte, cuacanya yg dingin2 menggelitik, pas bgt deh minum segelas latte dgn toast bread, hmm yummy.

Yg satu ini, Chicken Caesar Salad, hmm yummy bgt, ngafe sambil makan salad. Rasanya, duh ga ada tandingannya, crunchy lettuce nya sama the smell of beautiful croutons, plus the poach egg. Yummy deh..

Makan salad, ngga lengkap tanpa carbs nya, yg satu ini nih, Potato Wedges serve with sweet chilli sauce and sour cream. Oh God, wish I could go back and taste it again. Uenaaak bgt. Nikmatin wedges yg hangat, dgn cuaca yg windy and ada matahari sorenya. Duh bener2 mengingat dulu masa kuliah. hihihihi..

Dinner diajak ke Southgate sama my sis. Its her treat ktnya. So we're having steak tonite. This is the entree, bruschetta with tomatoes and basil, fried calamaries, grilled chicken wings and ricotta cheese served with rocket salad. The taste, dun ask. :)

So 4 of us, ordering diff. meals. This one is, Ribs 500 grams, besar bgt yah. Duh ngeliatnya aja pertama2 serem bgt, and Cedric can finish all. Gila bgt, hahahha...

This one my order, Wagyu Sirloin Steak served with mushroom sauce, krn wagyu steaknya lebih kecil drpd Aussie meat, tp tetep aja, lihat ketebalannya, very thick and moist. Still I couldn't finish all.

The next day, breakfast with my sister, we ate toasted bread with kimchi and ham.
Tastenya lucu deh. But, overall kenyangin and enak.

Plus the salad too. Rocket salad served with avocado dips.

Abis breakfast, we continued our trips to Chadstone Shopping Centre. My fav. place to hang out, dr dulu, and uda banyak berubah. Ini poto yg diupload, bukan shopping centrenya, tp I want to show how fresh and colorful supermaket disana. Seger2 lihat buah2an dan sayur2annya.

Puter2in chadstone yg besar cape juga yah, duduk dulu deh ngopi, makan tiramisu, hmm yummy ajeeee. Wuih rasa kopinya, creamnya, oh mengena hati bgt.

(courtesy: flickr.com)
Malamnya, dinner makan Duck Risotto. Hmm abit different with what we used to eat, resto yg lama uda ga served duck risotto anymore, but my calon hubby, craving for duck risotto. Unik yah, risotto pake duck, tp rasanya enak loh. Boleh dicoba tuh, sampe skg pengen coba bikin sndiri tp belum sempet aja, males aja mikirinnya, hrs beli bebek. Yah hopefully one day bakal kesampean deh.

The next day, photoshoot, jadi ga ada food hunting, whole day cuman poto2 aja, sampe ke dandenong. Poto menyusul yah utk itu.

Hari berikutnya, breakfast and lunch jd satu, we ate Japanese food. Restonya kecil bgt, tp rame. They served this, Gyu Tan Don, lidah sapi. It tastes good, nasi putih served sama lidah sapi yg udah di grilled dengan teriyaki sauce. This isn't my order, my sis luv this so much, but w/out the spring onions.

And I ate this, Chicken Teriyaki Don, hmm yummy bgt kan keliatannya, ayamnya beserta saus teriyakinya yg banyak, hmm enak bgt dimakan pake chilli powder. Wuiiih jadi laper nih. hihihihi..

Krn td breakfast dan lunch jadi satu, jd pas dinner time jd kepagian, belum jam 6 uda berasa lapar. Mampir nih ke Vietnam Resto yg terkenal di City. Mekong. Makanan andalan org2 tiap kalo ke Melbourne, harus mampir kesini. Appetizer: Prawn Spring Roll.

And the main meals: Beef Pho, apa tuh? Beef Vietnamese Noodle. Wah this is the best of the best deh. Selama beberapa hari di Melbourne, none of the meals I could finish to eat it. And this one, 1 small bowl, I finish it by myself. Untuk rasa, jgn ditanya, kwetiaw vietnam yg beda bgt sama kwetiaw chinese, tipis dan berminyak, dan kuahnya itu yg nendang bgt, ga tau uda direbus brp hari, tp bener2 deh enak bgt. Trus it served with sliced beef, bisa minta pake meat ball (bakso), ato mau pake kikil jg bsa. Trus sampingnya tuh sayur2annya, tauge dan daun basil. Hmm enak deh. Di Indo, cari pho yg enak ga pernah ktmu, udah deh ke Melbourne, balas dendam, enak bgt....Yg mampir ke Melbourne, jgn pernah lupa ya sama pho yg satu ini.

Untuk hari berikutnya, kita jalan2 ke Crown Casino and Hotel, my calon hubby, ingin mencoba peruntungannya, sambil iseng2. Emang dasar ga bole kl ya, yah kalah deh, yah cuma dikit aja. hihihihi. Trus puter2, ngafe dulu di Greco. Waduh melihat deretan cakenya bikin ngiler. Mau semuanya. Finally order 2 cakes, Tiramisu Cake.

and, Baked Cheese Cake.
About the taste, Deliciouso.... Mantap!!!!

Sengaja duduk di bar nya, krn kita ga dinner. Skg Greco uda berubah jd fine dining resto, nih pas di bar, ada rak yg mrk served Greek food utk appetizer. Yummy yah.

My sis bday, I treated her with bunch of her friends. Thai food. This is:
Mince beef with Basil.
Kalo ini sih, I like to cook at home, tp rasanya tetep enak, krn makannya jg di Ying Thai resto.

Nah, ini yg di tunggu2, Crispy Skin Pork Salad (non-halal), waduuh ga ada nih di Jakarta. Dan sampe skg, coba cari resepnya belum ketemu2. Semua org waiting for this. The best deh, jadi kulit babinya, mgk kalo mau masak di indo bsa diganti ya pk kulit sapi, di masak sama cabai dan saus karamel gtu,jd lengket2 gtu. Tp rasanya asem, manis dan pedas. Ada seafoodnya jg. Trus atasnya di taburin sama kacang mede. Rasa, jgn ditanya, coba deh baru berkomentar.

Demi Pork Spare ribs no bone with Fried Rice, kita bela2in naik train ke Caulfield just to have this. Utk rasa, ga pernah berubah, selalu enak dan menggoda. (non-halal)

Ordernya selalu sama tiap kesini, he order pork and me ordering:
Salt and Pepper Fried Chicken with Fried Rice.
Makannya ngga lupa pake sambalnya. Makanan dr Malaysia ini, even tempatnya uda tua2 gtu,rasanya ga pernah tua deh, enak, enak dan enak. (non-halal)

Oya, tidak lupa ngafe di Max Brenner, serve hot chocolate, or even coffee nya lucu2 gelas2nya.

Last but not least, my favorite place to study, a place where everything begin,
a place where I'm in luv with pancake:

Mau tau rasanya? aduuh harus mampir nih.. trus, harus nyobain Pancake Parlour yg di Doncaster, iya jauh ajeee.. kalo mau pergi kesana harus pengorbanan, tp serunya resto and cafe ini open 24hours. Jadi, jaman dulu yah, with calon hubby suka belajar brg kalo mau ada exam sampe jam 2 pagi. Enak deh tempatnya, dan interior nya Jadul gtu, model2 country2 gtu. About the pancake, I think the best Pancake I like to eat. My fav: Cheese and Potato Pancake plus 1 lagi, yg biasa aja,
Original Pancake with butter & Maple syrup.
Yummy bgt. Rasa pancakenya moist bgt, lain deh sm yg lain.

Overall, selama 1 minggu, kynya makan luar terus, bener2 wisata kuliner. Almost every places we're going, selalu nyelip2 makan dl, hehehe. Kan ga mau rugi, uda pergi jauh2, sekalian melepas kerinduan.
Anyway, good to be back here again. So, holiday is over, back to Jakarta, back to normal activity.
Sampai jumpa di wisata kuliner lainnya. ^____^



Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Food Hunting in Singapore

Food Hunting in Singapore
Hello2... when was my last update? a month ago? so sorry... its been a long month, last march, after my green tea cake, few days after that, I went for a long trips with my boyfriend a.k.a future husband. We went to Singapore and Melbourne,Australia, for our pre-wed photoshoot.
Its long and tiring days, but the rest, Awesome, coz, we had some Food Hunting, out great pleasure. hahahaha...
So here, I wun write down about my prewed photo story, but I'll write down more about what foods we've been tried along our trips.
Yummy and interesting...
So this're some food we've tried for past 3 days in Singapore, while we're walking around and spending time photo taking, but get times to eat too. The Melbourne part, will be continued.

Roti Pratha
Di Indonesia juga ada sih, tp kynya rasanya beda ya. Just different.As always, must eat the pratha with mutton curry, it tastes awesome. I can't eat mutton actually, but I only try the curry sauce only. About the taste, dun ask, the whole plate we finished it by ourselves.

In Singapore, there're many places sell OYSTER OMELETTE, I tried to buy in Jakarta before, but it doesn't taste as nice as in Singapore, everytime we visit Singapore, we always find a chance to bought this delicious omelette. Actually it is very simple food, but its taste unbelievable. Oyster yg dibuat dengan tepung kanji dan telur kocok, di buat omelette trus disajikan dengan sambal. Wuih, ngiler lagi nih. hihihihi..

Mee Pok ( Chinese Noodle with Pork) (NON-Halal)
Yg satu ini, hmm. awfully yummy, especially served with soup. Soupnya isinya banyak, dikasi bakso2an, jamur dan rumput laut. Noodlenya juga di bumbuin dengan saus2 dan kecap,jamur dan cincangan daging babi (sorry yah non-Halal). Yummy. Buat org ngantri deh.

Nasi Briyani with Chicken.
This time around I visit Singapore, I'm more into Indian food. After Pratha, I'm hunting this rice. Dulu, waktu masi sekolah di Singapore, masih secondary school nih, di kantin sekolah ada yg jualan nasi briyani, and I like to eat there, uda murah meriah, banyak lagi. Duh jadi mengenang ini. Nasi Briyani can be served with
beef or chicken curry. But this time, I bought with chicken. Rasanya beda aja sama curry Indonesia, curry mereka lebih merah, dan bau rempah2nya (Herbs) kecium bgt, and the rice too. I luv briyani rice, it cooks with plenty of herbs, it's dry, because the texture of basmati rice (yg biasanya dipakai org2 India), it's long and need more water, make it different with our rice. Nasi Briyani with chicken, it served with acar too.

Char Kway Teow (Non-Halal)
Kalo di indonesia, mgk kwetiau goreng bisa di buat Halal yah, tapi kalo di Singapore, I doubt, kayanya mrk masaknya pakai minya babi deh, trus ingredients di dalamnya juga mrk memakai sosis babi. Yang membuat saya jatuh hati dengan makanan satu ini ada lah, cockles (kerang dara), wuiih itu favorite ku dr dulu, Setiap beli char kway teow, always ask for extra cockles. Yummy.

Chicken and Beef Satay
Satay disini beda sama dengan sataynya Indonesia, juga saus kacangnya, totally different, saus kacangnya tanpa kecap manis, dan lebih kental. Personally I prefer Indo satay better ^_^

Singapore Laksa
Singapore Laksa ada 2 macam, served with chicken or served with seafood. Again I luv this because there're cockles (kerang dara) inside. Enak deh pokoknya, saus santannya, bikin ngiler deh, plus pakai cabai potong, enaaaak. Duh pengen balik Singapore lagi, hehehehe...

Actually there're plenty more, but that's all for today. Next section, my food hunting in Melbourne, more into western food eh ngga juga sih. We'll see. See you again.

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