Finally, I had my chance to continue some stories while I'm back @ Melbourne. Melanjutkan cerita2kuw selama di Melbourne. Skg lebih menyangkut desserts. All the sweet savouries.
Selama di Melbourne, disana jg udah banyak toko2 cupcake yg menjamur. Selain itu, I've been to few cake shops. Toko2 kue disini terinspirasi dgn cake2 dr Greek. I'll show you some later in the pictures.
So here it is,some of the pics I've manage to shoot and some I googled for information too.
This cute cupcakes, I've captured it @ Myer Shopping Centre. It is simple and attractive though. Actually in this store they sell many cakes, cookies and nuts. Tp krn I'm more interested in this, jadi cuma jepret yg ini hehehehe.. But I didn't buy and try it at this time, malah, I did manage to buy the mix nuts and some macadamia nuts for gifts back at home. At this corner section, from the first front step when you walk in, you could smell how buatiful smell it is. Hmm, bau cookiesnya itu bikin org2 masuk ke area ini. Jadi org abis cape2 belanja, can sit and relax a while. You could have your cake or cookies with tea or coffee as your wish. Enak deh. hihihihi.
This giant cake, I captured from the cupcake shop in Melbourne Central, I forgot the shop name. I just walk through when I finish shopping, tokonya memang kecil, tp ramenya minta ampun. Org keluar masuk and the important things, they only selling cupcakes. Hmm, Im so happy, it means the people here appreciate what it call cupcakes. Ga kaya disini, sorry aja ya, kdg2 kasian liat toko2 cupcakes di indo yg buka di mall2, sepi pengunjung dan yah ga serame ini deh. I wish one day indo bisa kaya gini deh. Hihihihi. Oh ya btw, this giant cupcake, cita2 saya 1 hari, mau beli loyangnya and I'll make this giant cupcake. Hihihihi. Doain yaah biar kesampean. Amiiiiin...
Dan ini beberapa cakes yg mereka jual dan display. Setelah beberapa hari, selalu lewatin toko ini, finally I have the guts to buy one of the cake. Hihihihi.
I bought the Red Velvet Cupcake. Beli 1 aja, cuma penasaran pengen coba. Hihihi. With a simple swirl icing, tp kok kemanisan yah for me. Mgk krn biasa buat sendiri jd ga biasa yg manis gini. Tp so far the cake ok. The texture is soft and the color is radiant red. Luv it.
Jalan2 ke Chadstone, apa yg dicari? Ada cafe in the centre of the mall, used to be my fav. place to hang out. Mampir sebentar, and bought tiramisu and apple cake. Sori apple cake nya lupa di poto. Hmm, tiramisu Oz sama indo beda bgt. Ya tp tetep aja, enaaaak. I luv it and the good things is, it comes in a big portion, jd ga takut kurang hihihi. Enaaaak bgt, trus liat aja tuh minumnya pake cafe latte. Yummy..
Masuk ke David Jones, mampir ke section jualan buku, oh noooo.. the recipe books. mauuuuuu. Semuanya jg mau, but I can't bring home all. Aduh2 lama bgt disana. Enaknya disini bukunya bisa di baca, ga kaya di Kinokuniya Jakarta, semua bukuu dia plastikin, gimana org bsa beli wong ga tau isi bukunya apa. Hehehehe, kok malah komplain yah. Ini aja uda di tahan2 sama calon suami, udah2 jgn beli, nanti kopernya overweight, hiks dengan berat hati cuma baca2 aja sama mengabadikan dengan berpoto ria. ^^
Ini dia Greco Cafe, diliat yaaaah tuh deretan cakenya. Kita tinggal pilih mau yg mana, later they'll come and serve to us. Hmm, yummy.
Tetep aja ordernya tiramisu, my favorite ^__^. Taste: yummy, Texture: Greco bener2 pake sponge finer, keliatan kan tuh, tetep enak, trus kerasa bgt coffee liquer nya. Soft and begitu masuk ke lidah, aduh minta suapan berikutnya deh. Greco, I'll be back someday later.
And Baked Cheesecake for my man. Hmm, we're spolt. Never mind... ^___^
The one and only, my favorite pancake. Pancake Parlour. Plain pancake with butter and maple syrup on top. With a Vanilla ice cream would be great too. Taste + Texture: please dun ask me, just go there and eat it. Then you'll tell me what kills you. ^___^
Jadi Sahabat, sampai disini dulu wisata kuliner selama di OZ, very soon ada yg lainnya.
Luph to share with u all.
Mila's Kitchen