Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Valentine's cookies

My Valentine's Day Cookies

To celebrate the coming Valentine's Day, I make some valentine's cookies.The cookies are made from shortbread cookies. It is simple and delicious. You don't need to put egg on it. And the butter flavours make the cookies taste and smell fantastic. And after that you decorate whatever you like.

For the decorating, I used fondant to cover it. Hmm it looks more interesting rite.

By the way, for the recipes you can check in this website
And for you who like to order, please feel free to contact me.
Happy Valentine's Day friends...

Mini Chocolate Tart

This one will be one of my favourite tarts I like to make.Why? Because it's simple and delicious.  Prepare the pie tart a day ahead, and for the filling, I use chocolate ganache. A thick chocolate ganache, I used a good quality dark chocolate for this. And a little bit of decorations, small flowers. And violaaa.... The comments from friends and family:

So here it is, some pics of Mini Chocolate Tart.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Donut Kentang

Sekarang dimana2 banyak bgt yah yg jualan donut kentang. Ponakan, calon misua demen bgt, tiap temenin ke carrefour pasti beli deh, kdg2 suka serem liat minyak nya itu, ga tau bersih ga, apa bekas ga ya. Akhirnya dengan keinginan tersembunyi aku coba deh. Guys, ini dia hasil donut kentang buatan Mila's Kitchen. Resep adopted from NCC, untuk resep dan cara pembuatannya, silahkan disimak sendiri di web NCC. Mau tenkyu bgt sama NCC, resep plus trik2 pembuatannya lengkap bgt. Bener, pertama kali aku ini buat donut kentang dan langsung sukses. 1 resep dpt 24 pcs, duh rasanya enak, empuk, harum, gurih, sampe ngantri yg mau cobain. Buat yg mau order dll, silahkan yah.. di tungguuu pesanannya ^___^

Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Banana Muffins

Dikasih mama pisang lumayan banyak, dan ga tau mau diapain, the simplest things to make is
Selama punya tepung, telur, dan gula, bisa jadi deh.
But this time, I'm trying the recipe from
Yang beda dari resep banana muffin ini, ada white chocolate inside and one more things, I add a teaspoonful of cinnamons powder, jd begitu muffin matang, haruuumnya mak nyuuusss....
so this is the picture... Btw, buat yg mau order pls contact me okay...

 Freshly baked, enak disantap dgn a cup of hot tea, apalg sore2 pas bgt lg turun hujan...
Waaah, keponakan udah abisin 3.. hihihihi...

Oya,this month NCC lg ngadain
waaah pas bgt... ^___^
enjoy friends...

Monday, January 4, 2010


Sorry yah telat, Mila's Kitchen would like to say a
 Happy New Year of 2010.

Semoga di tahun 2010 ini, segala sesuatu menjadi lebih baik dan sesuai dgn harapan yg kita mau. Amiiiin.

Okay, musti nya ini di post sebelum tahun baruan kemarin, tp krn uda keburu libur, telat deh..
Tgl 29 Dec kemaren my huney bday,tp baru di rayain tgl 30 nya, n I dunno what I wan 2 giv, jadiii setelah preperation dan cari ide mau buat apa jadiiii deh: Sponge Vanilla w/ blueberry filling trus di cover sama fondant, plus chocochips cuppies utk sodara2 yg dtg.
Aduuuh senangnya, semuanya yg dtg penasaran sama cakenya.. heheheh ngantri deh pd minta bw pulang.. Jgn lupa order yaaah hihihi..

Trusss tgl 31 nya last order punya Nia, my college friends, dia pesen 20cuppies utk sodaranya yg bday pas NYE. Sebenernya uda ga mau diambil, ya pikir sekalia ya sutraaa, di lanjut ajaa..
Nia bilang, apa aja mil yg penting bentuknya girly2 gtu.. krn ga ada waktu utk decor dll, jd di buat sesimple mgk, dgn swirl plus chocolate dgn bentuk lipstik, handbag, dll. Semoga suka yah..
So this is it the pictures...

Happy Bday Pieter...

Nia's cousin bday cuppies..

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