Monday, June 13, 2011

Otak - Otak made by Mila's Kitchen

Otak2 ini sebenernya request dr suami tercinta sejak sekian waktu yg lalu. Sudah lama jg sih dia blg ke aku, mending bikin drpd beli, kalo beli makannya ga puas, trus sedikit lagi.
Ok deh, akhirnya mendapatkan ikan tenggiri yg bagus dan segar, aku bela2in bersihin sendiri, cabut daging dari duri2nya, cincang sendiri, krn gak berhasil kalo pake blender, krn aku ga punya food processore (suatu hari pasti aku mau beli deh), dan proses memakan waktu 2 sampai 3 jam sampai selesai.
Akhirnya berhasil jg, seneng deeeh, krn suami bilang enak, gurih, dan besar2, hahahaha malahan kebesaran, kalo dijual rugi deh aku.. hehehe.. so ini deh penampakan otak2ku yah..
Btw, resep aku nyontek dr resep NCC.

Bahan2 yang aku pakai sesuai dengan resep dari NCC, tp cara memasaknya aku rubah versi caraku. Ternyata bikin otak2 tuh gampang2 susah. Cuman hal yg sulit yah saat memisahkan daging dengan tulang dan durinya saja. Plus waktu yg sabar saat mencincang. Lebih dari itu, amat sangat gampang. Adonan yg ready, aku masukin ke plastik segitiga yg biasa aku pakai untuk isi butter cream, ternyata jauh lebih gampang. Trus, otak2 tidak aku bakar di arang api, krn aku ga punya tempat bakar satay, jadi aku pake panci Happy Call (sori ya bukan promosi :p). Praktis, dan tidak kotor. Hasilnya, duh tanya suamikuw deh...
Dia berseri2 senang...

by:  Mila's Kitchen (

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Wisata Kuliner @ Kuala Lumpur

It's been more than 2 months, I didn't update this blog.
So sorry, been busy with works and life. Especially last May, I've been travelling w/ my hubby to Manila and KL at the same time. So for the 1st week, we went to Manila, but it is for working purpose. And we transit back to our beloved town, Jakarta, for only 6 hours, dropping our dirty clothes and change it into our clean clothes, and straightly back into plane going to KL.
But anyway, it is really an experience for us. We never been like this before, the sleepy and tired body, didn't make us stop.
So this time, the stories that I would like to share is, our experiences not only shopping, but tasting the Malaysian food.
Most of us, we knew this past years, there're some rumours from the news about our country, Indonesia and our neighbour country, Malaysia, been fighting about some food that proclaim as one of our or Malaysian local food.
Anyway, for me, we had same geographic area, we had same ingredients that lay around our land that can grow mostly the same, but most importantly, it is different taste. For example, Beef Rendang in Indonesia had different taste and texture with Malay Beef Rendang. And there're still many more food that had the same name and shape, but for sure everyone will say, it'll be different taste and texture.
For me, the food louvre, I enjoy every taste of it.
So begin with our 1st day reaching KL.

Chicken Curry

Chicken Curry or Gulai Ayam as we said in Indo. It tastes real curry, but it's quite different with our local gulai. The curry is red, more oily and thick sauce. But anyway, it is still nice to taste.

Curry Laksa

Curry Laksa in here is quite different w/ what I used to eat in Singapore. It is still use the curry sauce, but the curry sauce is a little bit red in color, same like chicken curry that I taste.
Char Kway Teow

The next day, my Malaysian friends brought me to try some other malay local foods. They are:

Me and Hubby w/ all the foods we're going to try

Roti Boy ala Papa Rich

Ipoh Koay Teow Soup with Steamed Chicken

The Ipoh Kway Teow w/ steamed chicken. It tastes pleasantly beautifully. The soup broth, it is beautifully cooked, and the softness of the kway teow just make it easily to chew inside your mouth. Ant the steamed chicken, perfectly pair w/ the kway teow.

Nasi Lemak
This is one of the best food, I came here to eat. Nasi Lemak is almost the same w/ our Nasi Uduk, but the side dishes is quite different. Nasi Lemak served w/ dried ikan bilis, fried peanuts, boiled egg, cucumber and chicken curry. It makes the meal very rich of flavours. Especially when you eat it w/ sambal.


A friend of Nasi Lemak is Otak - Otak.
Otak2 usually we eat it w/ nasi lemak. I used to eat otak2 while I'm back in Singapore. In Singapore, they grilled the Otak2 w/ pandan leaves. It is quite different in here, they steamed it. And still the taste incredible tasty.

Dinner at night, we had an Indian Food:

Indian Mee Goreng, Crispy Prata and Teh Tarik

Mee Goreng in here is quite different with the one I was thinking. Mee Goreng that I used to eat in Singapore is slightly dry compare this one. It was spicy and quite wet and sticky. But the taste still nice. And the crispy prata, it is the same prata, but they made it into a thinner layer, and still serve w/ curry sauce too. And we drank teh tarik.

How prata was made

 So, some people didn't really know how the real prata was made. So here it is, I took some picture, how the real prata made.The baked and grilled it just stick it into the wall. How amazing it is.


  For the dessert, after a long queue
 here some what we had

Tong Yuen

Tong Yuen were called Ronde Jahe in Indonesia. But they served it just w/ water sugar in here. And inside of the Tong Yuen, you could choose either peanut butter, mung bean or black sesame. Tong Yuen was made of glutinuous powder. It taste sweets but for sure everyone of us will love it.

Ice Mango

Ice shaved served with Mangoes cut and Mango Syrup.

Soya Bean, Bean Curd ginger sauce w/ char kway

Lok-Lok @ P.Ramlee

I've tried Lok2 before in Macau, but it served differently. In here, you'll eat it at the side of the road, and they served it inside of a car. You could fried or boil the fish ball, sausage, satay or even meat ball. It's something different that we don't have in Indonesia.

Our last day in KL, we had meals in the airport.

Assam Laksa

It made of thick rice noodles served in aromatic fish-based tamarind broth with shredded lettuce, red chilli, cucumber, onion and lemon grass. Topped with shrimp paste and mint leave. I don't think most people will like this meal. As it had a smell strong and fishy soup. But it is good to try.

Beef Noodles

So, that's our last meal and last day in KL. What an experience we had.
Sampai Jumpa lagi di Wisata Kuliner berikutnya. ^___^

Mila's Kitchen

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Vanilla Strawberry Cake for Yen-Yen

March Updates....

Hari minggu kemarin, akhirnya, saya punya waktu utk balik lagi baking cake.
Resep diambil dr NCC. Untuk cake, cukup simple, dan rasa pun, jgn ditanya, enaaak.
Jadi, cake ini sengaja di buat utk yen2, my friend.
Oyah trus, dummy2nya, dibuat dr fondant, udah aku buat dari 2 hari lalu dulu, jadi udah saya cicil, hari minggu tinggal menghias saja. ^_^
Kemaren pas hari H, Bday yen2. She's very happy and surprised. Glad she like it.
Happy Bday my dearest Yen2...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Chicken Curry Puff a la Mila's Kitchen

Chicken Curry Puff a la Mila's Kitchen

Dear friends,
ceritanya minggu kemarin, aku tuh lagi kangen banget makan chicken curry puff nya yg di jual di Singapore. Tapi jauh amat, masa harus ke Singapore baru bisa makan, hehehe. Jadi udah deh, aku buat sendiri di rumah. Dulu pernah beberapa kali buat sendiri jg, hasilnya tetep Ok, karena mudah sekali dibuat. Dulu aku panggang curry puff nya, tp utk kali ini aku coba di goreng, pengen tau aja ada beda ga. Ternyata memang beda. Tingkat kerenyahannya jauh lebih tahan lama. Yah jeleknya lebih berminyak yah, berhubung aku tuh ga gitu suka makanan yg minyak2, hehehe tapi suami suka2 aja, krn renyah katanya. Yah aku terpaksa pas makan di bungkus2in dl pake tissue biar minyaknya menyerap ke tissue, tp utk lainnya ok2 aja sih. Enaak deh pokoknya, hehehhe jadi aku cuma habisin uang utk beli puff pastrynya, ga usa jauh2 beli tiket terbang kesana ya hehehe..
Dan untuk pertama kalinya, aku share resepnya di blog Mila's Kitchen.

Chicken Curry Puff Recipe:

2 lembar Puff Pastry siap pakai (untuk kulit)

bahan isi:
250gr ayam fillet (potong dadu2)
2 buah kentang (kupas, potong dadu2, rebus 1/2 matang)
2 sdm bubuk curry (curry powder yg aku pakai, curry powder india)
1 sdt lada hitam
1 sdt kaldu bubuk
1/4 sdt garam
1 sdt paprika bubuk
1 buah ukuran sedang bawang bombay (cincang halus)
3 siung bawang putih (cincang halus)

Cara membuat:
Tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih hingga harum.
Masukkan potongan ayam, tumis hingga berubah warna, masukkan rebusan kentang.
Tambahkan seluruh bumbu2: lada hitam, kaldu, garam & paprika bubuk, aduk2 hingga rata.
Masak hingga airnya berkurang menjadi sedikit kurang lebih 15 menit dengan api sedang.
Angkat, dinginkan.

Siapkan kulit puff pastry, cetak adonan dengan cetakan bulat diameter 10cm.
Isi tiap lembar dengan adonan isi.
Lipat 2, rapatkan lalu pilin tepinya.

Goreng pastry dalam minyak yang banyak dan panas hingga kekuningan.
Angkat, dan sajikan dengan sambal.

Selamat mencoba.

Mila's Kitchen

Monday, January 17, 2011

Dinner Feasts....

Aduuuh2,,, so sorry, baru bisa nulis lg di blog skg.. uda kelewatan bgt yah.. pdhal so many things to write down, but the time is so pack. Skg tiap hari pulang kerja uda malem bgt. Trus weekend selalu full of activites, mostly meet friends and family. Jadi buat update my blog selalu aja kelupaan. Maapkan dirikuw blog.. So, sebelum meneruskan ceritaku, Mila's Kitchen wishing everyone:

So, what did you do at Xmas day?
Me and Hubby, we invited some of our special friends to come and have a dinner in our home. I cooked. ^_^
So, this some pictures that I tried to save b4 the food finishing up. hehehe...

This is the xmas tree my hubby and I made a week b4. hehehehe..
and this one on the right, our table settings

So, whats the menu for tonite?

For the starter, mini pizza and quiches. I made myself.
The drinks: raspberry sorbet with champagne

The appetizer also include prawn salad, but unlucky, the prawn already finish b4 I took the photo, hahahaha. And at the right picture, our main meal: Honey glazed ham w/ roasted potatoes/ mashed potatoes and vegies.
But the sad thing I forgot to take picture on the desserts :(
Lain kali uda janji deh mau buat lg Apple Scrumble and wun forgot utk di abadikan.

So this is us... Acara tukeran kado.... ^___^

AND..... at the 31st Dec 2010, detik2 menuju tahun baru 2011, my hubby and I spend the evening with my 2 luvly nephews. I promised them to cook steak for them. so here it is the photos.

Ceritanya tgl 29 kan my hubby bday, jadi sekalian aja. my 2 little nephews bought him a cake. So blowing the candles. Happy Bday hubby. Semoga di umur yg sudah menua ini, tambah sayang sm istri, tambah dewasa dan we'll always be a happy little family ^^

Jadi ini deh steak nya... Rib Eye Steak with mash potatoes and vegies.

Ada tambahan Udang Goreng Mentega. hehehe.. dikasi my mum udang yang besaar bgt, ih sampe serem waktu ngebersihinnya, tp setelah di masak, wuih guring plus manis.
After dinner, keliling komplek rumah nyaksiin tetangga pada main petasan & kembang api, kita jg ga mau kalah. Wah rame deh. They're so happy and so do us. Once again, Happy New Year everyone. Semoga di tahun 2011 ini segala sesuatu akan lebih baik lagi dr tahun2 sebelumnya. Amin...

Mila's Kitchen


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